Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Lot Rezoning Approved

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Summer Lakes ‘News’ Update
New Irrigation Well: Atlantic Coast has completed digging a water well to provide a cost effective alternative to the high water rates charged by the City of Aiken to keep our public areas green and lush. It has been costing about $10,000 a year from the Home Owners Association funds for irrigation of the major center islands and frontage landscaping. The new water well will soon be connected so the water can flow for the spring growing season. Atlantic Coast paid for the new well.
New Plantings for Summer Lakes Entrance: We will soon have a more glamorous look along Highway 1. Atlantic Coast’s Jimmy Luquire reports that when the weather improves on a consistent basis, workers are poised launch a beautification project with the planting a large number of annual flowers at the subdivision entrance and on the first large island. Jimmy says, “This will upgrade the look of the entrance.”
Beautifying & Maintaining Landscaping Islands: The offer still stands for residents to ‘adopt’ landscaping islands in their area. Atlantic Coast will pay for plantings if residents agree to maintain the islands.
Eliminating Pond Scum & Weeds: Atlantic Coast has taken action to eliminate the weeds in the large community pond. Concern about the weeds was expressed by residents at last summer’s annual meeting. Since then, Atlantic Coast worked with South Carolina’s DHEC advisors in applying chemicals to the pond; they don’t expect the grass to return this summer.
Securing the Storage Area: Atlantic Coast is taking steps to secure the resident’s storage area following recent burglaries. Summer Lakes General Manager Jimmy Luquire reports that two security lights are scheduled to be installed shining light on the storage area and the gap under the entrance gate is being closed. The Aiken County Sheriff's department has stepped up its presence by increased patrols around the storage area.
Architectural Review Board Meets: Summer Lake’s Architectural Review Board (ARB) meets regularly to review potential house projects and covenant issues. The mission of the ARB is to insure the quality of Summer Lakes’ construction and the adherence to the covenants so residents will maximize their property values. Two residents, Pat Dickerson and Bill Taylor, represent their fellow neighbors by serving as advisors to Atlantic Coast on the ARB. Questions and concerns about covenant issues should be sent to:
Jimmy Luquire: jimmy@atlanticcoast-properties.com
Pat Dickerson: P102640@aol.com
Bill Taylor: Bill@HunterRun.com