Atlantic Coast officials told Summer Lakes residents gathered for their annual Homeowner’s Association meeting that they are closing the neighborhood sales/administrative office immediately. The sales initiative for Summer Lakes moves to downtown Aiken and is being brought under the True South Communities umbrella, a sister company of Atlantic Coast Properties.
True South CFO Paul Dunnavant explained the consolidation was prompted by the sluggish real estate economy. Dunnavant stated that making Summer Lakes a True South property should be advantageous to sales since True South represents luxury, upscale developments. True South maintains a sales office in the heart of Aiken at 154 Laurens Street SW. Jim Vivian will head sales for Summer Lakes as well as the other True South communities. (Jim’s telephone number: 803-502-1995.)
Jimmy Luquire will continue to be the executive overseeing Summer Lakes, although his base of operations will move to Atlantic Coast’s headquarters in Batesburg. The sales/administrative office, while closed, will remain on-site in Summer Lakes for the time being, although some residents expressed a desire to see the double-wide relocated out of the neighborhood. Jimmy said he will continue to be in the neighborhood several times a week and urged any neighbor wishing to contact him to call his cell phone (803) 480-0619). Calls to the former office (803-644-1134) will be forwarded to the Batesburg headquarters.
The current Summer Lakes website (
http://www.summerlakes.net/home.cfm) will be updated to reflect the changes. The website for True South Communities (
http://www.truesouthcommunities.com/HOME/tabid/36/Default.aspx) will also incorporate in Summer Lakes with their other developments: King’s Ridge, Abella Gate and The Boundary.
Jimmy reported that there are 62 lots left to be sold out of 150 lots in the neighborhood. Fortunately, there is only one contractor ‘spec’ home for sale, which puts Summer Lakes in a very enviable position to attract new construction. Only two owner-occupied homes are currently for sale.
In other news from the Home Owner’s meeting…A More Beautiful Entrance: A committee of five neighbors volunteered to develop a plan to enhance landscaping on Summer Rain Boulevard, from the main entrance to Forrest Trail/Meadow Trace. The committee consists of Phil Rosbach, Kurt Rudolph, Roger Pizio, Kathy Kent and Donna Taylor. Input from all residents is welcome. The committee will develop a proposal to create a shrub/tree barrier behind the homes on the north side of the entrance block. When the sales office is moved a similar landscaping plan would be implemented on the south side of the entrance boulevard as well. Residents urged the developer to equally share the expense of landscaping.
Battling Weeds in the Ponds: Jimmy Luquire reported that progress is being made in battling the weeds in the main pond, but more needs to be done. The pond was sprayed with weed killer last summer and that will soon be done again. Carp were also added to the pond last year to help control weeds and scum. Neighbors recommended more be done and that an expert pond management consultant be utilized.
No Political Signs: A resolution to allow political yard signs 30 days prior to an election was narrowly defeated in a close vote. Proponents contended yard signs insured free speech; opponents saw the signs as eye sores and not conducive to a beautiful neighborhood.
Personal Pooper Scoopers Needed: The single biggest complaint received by Atlantic Coast concerns people who don’t clean up after their dogs on the walking trail or allow them to relieve themselves in neighbor’s yards. Residents are again requested to be responsible for cleaning up after their dogs.
Zooming the Walking Trails: ATV’s have been roaring along the walking trails, driven mostly by people who don’t live in Summer Lakes. The walking trail is private property and motorized vehicles are prohibited. Residents are encouraged to ask violators to leave or call the Sheriff’s office and report their trespassing.
Better Mowing Schedule: Mowing of the public area of Summer Lakes has been irregular in the past month. Various reasons were offered for the sketchy schedule, but officials pledged to get mowing back on schedule; that includes bush-hogging the vacant lots and power line right-of-way.
Trash Collection: The expense for trash collection rose in the past year when Tyler Sanitation added a fuel surcharge when gas prices were high. Residents requested that Atlantic Coast/True South negotiate a roll-back on the increase or seek competitive bids in an attempt to reduce trash hauling expenses.
Battling Ants: One resident inquired about getting help battling ants that are over-running their yard. Jimmy said the developer would be willing to apply commercial ant control spray, but would not take responsibility for harm the spray might cause to dogs or cats.
Home Owners Association Finances Strong: The reserve fund for the Home Owner’s Association has increased more than $3,500 since last year with a surplus of $34,573. That could be labeled a ‘rainy day fund’ – money that will likely be needed when Atlantic Coast/True South turns over responsibility of the neighborhood to the Home Owner’s Association. If you wish to obtain a copy of the current Profit & Loss statement, please contact Jimmy Luquire.