Friday, October 23, 2009

Call to Action -- Summer Lakes Planting Day

Get your daily exercise with your neighbors!

It’s Planting Day !!!

The drawings are complete.
The foundation work has been done.
The plants will arrive Thursday, Nov 12.

We Need YOU!

Friday Nov.13th (primary work day)
Saturday Nov 14 (finish-up work, if needed)

Meet at the front entrance of Summer Lakes at 8:30 am.
Please pitch-in and help make this significant improvement a reality.

To volunteer, or more information call:
Phil Rosbach 643-0945
Kathy Kent 648-9802
Kurt Rudolph 641-9068
Donna Taylor 641-2343

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Invader Alert

The Summer Lakes neighborhood was visited today (October 20th) by sales people from Robert's and Associates (129 Wade Street, West Columbia, S.C. 29169, 803-739-4321) who were ringing doors to sell carpet cleaning. Their sales pitch is rather pushy.

This isn’t the company’s first trip to Summer Lakes – they solicited here several months ago and Atlantic Coast Properties called and complained to the company emphasizing that Summer Lakes has a ‘No Solicitation’ policy.

After today’s ‘sales invasion,’ one diligent neighbor took the initiative to call the Aiken County Sheriff’s office to make an inquiry. Apparently we are not the only area that has been visited by these guys. The deputy said his lieutenant's neighborhood had been visited recently by the same outfit. They looked into the company and determined that it was a legitimate business. The deputy also stated that this was the second complaint he had received today about Robert’s & Associates and that he was going to look around to see if he could catch up with them and ask them to "please move along."

The deputy also said that since Summer Lakes has a "No Soliciting" sign posted at the entrance and since we have complained before, residents are requested to call the Sheriff’s office right away if they continue to solicit the neighborhood.

As one neighbor said, “I am not trying to be paranoid, but I am really not comfortable having an out-of-town company drop off unidentified sales people on private property to walk our neighborhood all day.”

Friday, October 16, 2009

SAVE THE DATE - December 13th

Summer Lakes Neighborhood
Annual Holiday Party

Sunday, December 13, 2009
5:00 – 8:00 pm

At the home of Donna & Bill Taylor, 308 Summer Wind Court

Lots of food, along with wine, beer & soft drinks will be served. You’re welcome to BYOB.
Invitations with RSVP cards will be sent in mid-November.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Summer Lakes Soon to Have New Look

In a few weeks a major beautification project will bring an entirely new look to the entrance of Summer Lakes with the addition of hundreds of new plants and trees.

With the guidance of professional landscape consultant Jane Waldrop, the residents’ Landscape Committee has developed a plan to create visually interesting islands of plants and trees at the entrance to the neighborhood on both sides of Summer Rain Boulevard.

The project is a cooperative effort of the Homeowner’s Association and Atlantic Coast Properties and resulted from a vote in favor of the beautification project by residents at their annual meeting in July. The Homeowner’s Association is purchasing the plants and trees and Atlantic Coast is providing much of the labor, as well as purchasing and installing an irrigation system and decorative tree lighting. Cost of the plants and trees totals $2,850; they are being purchased at wholesale prices from two Georgia nurseries.

“There will be a total of 284 plants consisting of 16 different varieties and 27 trees with 7 different types included in the purchase,” according to Roger Pizio, a member of the Landscape Committee. “We’re starting large; the plants will be 3 gallons in size and the trees will be 15 gallons,” added Pizio.

Residents have likely noticed that site preparation work has already begun; Atlantic Coast employees have been removing sod from the new planting areas and new dirt will be hauled in. The Landscape Committee is targeting a day in early November when the planting will take place. Neighbors will be notified of the date and are urged to pitch in for a few hours to help with the planting. With plenty of ‘helping hands’ it’s anticipated the project can be completed in one day.

A BIG THANK YOU goes to members of the Landscape Committee: Phil Rosbach (Chairman), Roger Pizio, Kurt Rudolph, Kathy Kent and Donna Taylor. Thanks also to Jimmy Luquire for his assistance with the major improvement.