Thursday, August 30, 2007

ARB: Resident Representatives?


I am concerned about the wording in Jimmy's reply re: the resident member(s) of the ARB.

It has been my understanding that the ARB presently consists of three members, all of whom work for Atlantic Coast and none of whom live in Summer Lakes. If this is in error I would appreciate someone setting me straight.

If the above is accurate, then seems to me that an appropriate number of residents would be three, all of whom would be full members of the board, not the advisory member status mentioned by Jimmy. Voting ties could easily be handled by a non ARB member designated by Atlantic Coast in advance.

I think we are on the right track with the neighborhood as well as with the relationship between those who live here and those who invested money to create the sub-division. Thanks to you, Bill for facilitating things so far.

Pat Dickerson

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

THE FUTURE: The City's Plan for Aiken County's Northside

The Northside Task Force formed by the city of Aiken has made a recommendation to the City Planning Commission for adoption of the Northside Area Comprehensive Plan. There was a public open house to review the plan on August 27th prior to the first Planning Commission Meetings. A downloadable copy of the Northside Area Comprehensive Plan (Recommendation Draft) is now available (Adobe PDF 11MB).

Atlantic Coasts' Response to Inquiry

August 29, 2007


We haven't received any resumes for an advisory position to the ARB.

In reference to the modular home, the attorneys are still communicating back and forth but we are maintaining our position that the home cannot be brought up to ARB required standards.

The neighborhood page should be available on the Summer Lakes website around the 1st of October. We will contact all residents by mail with information as soon as the page is ready.



Request for Action to Atlantic Coast

August 24, 2007


It's been one month since we participated in the Summer Lakes neighborhood meeting. To my knowledge, we haven't heard any follow-up from Atlantic Coast...

1. Most importantly, what decisions have been made regarding residents participation on the ARB?

2. Is there a resolution to the 'double-wide with a brick skirt' house or are the legal-types still messing with each other?

3. What plan is being established by Atlantic Coast to provide more timely communications to residents? Eager to hear about the progress being made on these and other issues that were raised at the neighborhood meeting as reflected in Pam's notes.

Best regards,

Bill Taylor

First Neighborhood Meeting

The first Summer Lakes Neighborhood meeting was held July 26, 2007 at the Aiken Shrine Club. It was hosted by Atlantic Coast Properties and about 45 residents attended. Numerous questions were posed by residents and Atlantic Coast officials answered many; others needed a more considered response, which was promised in follow-up communications.

Residents Petition to Atlantic Coast Properties

June 11, 2007

Mr. James B. Luquire
General Manager
Atlantic Coast Properties
2042 Columbia Highway North
Aiken, SC 29805

Dear Jimmy:

Recently, the public hearings conducted by the City of Aiken’s Northside Task Force planning for future growth gave strong testimony that Summer Lakes is considered by many the premier housing development on the northside. There is no doubt that Summer Lakes is ‘coming of age’ with lots continuing to be sold, more new homes being constructed and the price of lots and homes escalating.

With so much happening and so little official communications between Atlantic Coast properties and the current residents of Summer Lakes, we request our first neighborhood meeting. This session will provide for two-way dialog between Atlantic Coast Properties (acting as the manager of the Neighborhood Association) and residents. Among the key topics needing to be addressed:

Atlantic Coasts’ current program for the care and maintenance of all public areas (plantings, watering, maintenance, etc.).

An accounting of how Association dues were expended in 2006 and the plan for dues expenditures during 2007.

Monitoring and enforcement of existing covenants and deed restrictions to serve the best interest of the entire community.

Plans to appoint residents to Summer Lakes’ Architectural Review Board (ARB) as outlined in the covenants dated September 19, 2003.

A plan to improve and increase the quality and frequency of communications from Atlantic Coast to residents whether via future neighborhood meetings, newsletters, e-mails, a designated portion of your web site reserved for residents use only, etc.

Transition of the neighborhood association to residents.

The future vision for Summer Lakes and how the new area being excavated off Wire Road will impact our existing neighborhood.

No doubt there will be other questions that will be raised by those in attendance, but the topics listed above are a good starting point. We all share a mutual goal – having Summer Lakes be the very best it can be.

We ask that this neighborhood meeting be conducted during July 2007.

Respectfully submitted by the undersigned:

(Signed by most residents)