Monday, November 30, 2009

Summer Lakes Holiday Party Set for Sunday, December 13th

Summer Lakes Neighborhood
Annual Holiday Party

Sunday, December 13, 2009
5:00 – 8:00 pm

At the home of
Donna & Bill Taylor
308 Summer Wind Court

Change of plans this year – to make our celebration a true FEAST,
each family is asked to bring BOTH an appetizer AND desert.

We’ll have wine, beer, soft drinks and coffee available.
You’re welcome to BYOB.

Special Treat – it’s expected that Santa will make a special visit and enjoy the fellowship of Summer Lakes neighbors; both the little ones and grown-up’s.

A Time to Give Back! Let’s utilize our neighborhood celebration as a time to help neighbors elsewhere in Aiken County. Please bring with you at least one canned good for each person attending. We’ll take our bounty to the Salvation Army Pantry on Aiken’s northside.

To help with planning, please RSVP by Monday, December 7th
Leave a message for Donna & Bill at 641-2343

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What a Difference a Planting Day Makes!

Hats off to everyone who helped with the planting of trees and plants to beautify the entrance to our neighborhood. A special 'Thank You' goes to the Landscaping Committee: Phil Rosbach (Chairman), Roger Pizio, Kurt Rudolph, Kathy Kent and Donna Taylor. Thanks also to Atlantic Coasts' Jimmy Luquire for his assistance with this major improvement. A total of 325 plants and 25 trees have been added to the entrance area.

Please read Pat Dickerson's comments in the Blog posting below...and be sure to check out all the pictures from the work day at:

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thanks to the Entrance Enhancement Committee!

From: Pat Dickerson:

I would like to express my appreciation to the committee for the enhancement of our entrance to the Summer Lakes community. I believe it was headed up by Phil Rosbach, but I do not trust my memory to name all of the members.

The plantings are gorgeous and we got a very good price on them. Atlantic Coast chipped in to help with the lighting system and the irrigation system and the dirt as well as some of the heavy labor. The committee was out early to get the plants arranged by groupings and had the irrigation system marked off. There were maps of each area so that we could easily see where each of our plants were to be planted. The whole thing was so well organized that the job came off with very little problem. It shows what pre-work can do for a project and I think everyone involved did a wonderful job. The coffee and doughnuts were great, too!

Kudos also to the people of Summer Lakes!!! You turned out for this project and worked hard so that we were through by noon. I just had to walk back up there before sundown to look at the wonderful difference you made in our community. Thank you! It makes me very proud to live here.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Call to Action -- Summer Lakes Planting Day

Get your daily exercise with your neighbors!

It’s Planting Day !!!

The drawings are complete.
The foundation work has been done.
The plants will arrive Thursday, Nov 12.

We Need YOU!

Friday Nov.13th (primary work day)
Saturday Nov 14 (finish-up work, if needed)

Meet at the front entrance of Summer Lakes at 8:30 am.
Please pitch-in and help make this significant improvement a reality.

To volunteer, or more information call:
Phil Rosbach 643-0945
Kathy Kent 648-9802
Kurt Rudolph 641-9068
Donna Taylor 641-2343

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Invader Alert

The Summer Lakes neighborhood was visited today (October 20th) by sales people from Robert's and Associates (129 Wade Street, West Columbia, S.C. 29169, 803-739-4321) who were ringing doors to sell carpet cleaning. Their sales pitch is rather pushy.

This isn’t the company’s first trip to Summer Lakes – they solicited here several months ago and Atlantic Coast Properties called and complained to the company emphasizing that Summer Lakes has a ‘No Solicitation’ policy.

After today’s ‘sales invasion,’ one diligent neighbor took the initiative to call the Aiken County Sheriff’s office to make an inquiry. Apparently we are not the only area that has been visited by these guys. The deputy said his lieutenant's neighborhood had been visited recently by the same outfit. They looked into the company and determined that it was a legitimate business. The deputy also stated that this was the second complaint he had received today about Robert’s & Associates and that he was going to look around to see if he could catch up with them and ask them to "please move along."

The deputy also said that since Summer Lakes has a "No Soliciting" sign posted at the entrance and since we have complained before, residents are requested to call the Sheriff’s office right away if they continue to solicit the neighborhood.

As one neighbor said, “I am not trying to be paranoid, but I am really not comfortable having an out-of-town company drop off unidentified sales people on private property to walk our neighborhood all day.”

Friday, October 16, 2009

SAVE THE DATE - December 13th

Summer Lakes Neighborhood
Annual Holiday Party

Sunday, December 13, 2009
5:00 – 8:00 pm

At the home of Donna & Bill Taylor, 308 Summer Wind Court

Lots of food, along with wine, beer & soft drinks will be served. You’re welcome to BYOB.
Invitations with RSVP cards will be sent in mid-November.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Summer Lakes Soon to Have New Look

In a few weeks a major beautification project will bring an entirely new look to the entrance of Summer Lakes with the addition of hundreds of new plants and trees.

With the guidance of professional landscape consultant Jane Waldrop, the residents’ Landscape Committee has developed a plan to create visually interesting islands of plants and trees at the entrance to the neighborhood on both sides of Summer Rain Boulevard.

The project is a cooperative effort of the Homeowner’s Association and Atlantic Coast Properties and resulted from a vote in favor of the beautification project by residents at their annual meeting in July. The Homeowner’s Association is purchasing the plants and trees and Atlantic Coast is providing much of the labor, as well as purchasing and installing an irrigation system and decorative tree lighting. Cost of the plants and trees totals $2,850; they are being purchased at wholesale prices from two Georgia nurseries.

“There will be a total of 284 plants consisting of 16 different varieties and 27 trees with 7 different types included in the purchase,” according to Roger Pizio, a member of the Landscape Committee. “We’re starting large; the plants will be 3 gallons in size and the trees will be 15 gallons,” added Pizio.

Residents have likely noticed that site preparation work has already begun; Atlantic Coast employees have been removing sod from the new planting areas and new dirt will be hauled in. The Landscape Committee is targeting a day in early November when the planting will take place. Neighbors will be notified of the date and are urged to pitch in for a few hours to help with the planting. With plenty of ‘helping hands’ it’s anticipated the project can be completed in one day.

A BIG THANK YOU goes to members of the Landscape Committee: Phil Rosbach (Chairman), Roger Pizio, Kurt Rudolph, Kathy Kent and Donna Taylor. Thanks also to Jimmy Luquire for his assistance with the major improvement.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Home Owner’s Annual Meeting Brings Surprise Announcement

Atlantic Coast officials told Summer Lakes residents gathered for their annual Homeowner’s Association meeting that they are closing the neighborhood sales/administrative office immediately. The sales initiative for Summer Lakes moves to downtown Aiken and is being brought under the True South Communities umbrella, a sister company of Atlantic Coast Properties.

True South CFO Paul Dunnavant explained the consolidation was prompted by the sluggish real estate economy. Dunnavant stated that making Summer Lakes a True South property should be advantageous to sales since True South represents luxury, upscale developments. True South maintains a sales office in the heart of Aiken at 154 Laurens Street SW. Jim Vivian will head sales for Summer Lakes as well as the other True South communities. (Jim’s telephone number: 803-502-1995.)

Jimmy Luquire will continue to be the executive overseeing Summer Lakes, although his base of operations will move to Atlantic Coast’s headquarters in Batesburg. The sales/administrative office, while closed, will remain on-site in Summer Lakes for the time being, although some residents expressed a desire to see the double-wide relocated out of the neighborhood. Jimmy said he will continue to be in the neighborhood several times a week and urged any neighbor wishing to contact him to call his cell phone (803) 480-0619). Calls to the former office (803-644-1134) will be forwarded to the Batesburg headquarters.

The current Summer Lakes website ( will be updated to reflect the changes. The website for True South Communities ( will also incorporate in Summer Lakes with their other developments: King’s Ridge, Abella Gate and The Boundary.

Jimmy reported that there are 62 lots left to be sold out of 150 lots in the neighborhood. Fortunately, there is only one contractor ‘spec’ home for sale, which puts Summer Lakes in a very enviable position to attract new construction. Only two owner-occupied homes are currently for sale.

In other news from the Home Owner’s meeting…

A More Beautiful Entrance: A committee of five neighbors volunteered to develop a plan to enhance landscaping on Summer Rain Boulevard, from the main entrance to Forrest Trail/Meadow Trace. The committee consists of Phil Rosbach, Kurt Rudolph, Roger Pizio, Kathy Kent and Donna Taylor. Input from all residents is welcome. The committee will develop a proposal to create a shrub/tree barrier behind the homes on the north side of the entrance block. When the sales office is moved a similar landscaping plan would be implemented on the south side of the entrance boulevard as well. Residents urged the developer to equally share the expense of landscaping.

Battling Weeds in the Ponds: Jimmy Luquire reported that progress is being made in battling the weeds in the main pond, but more needs to be done. The pond was sprayed with weed killer last summer and that will soon be done again. Carp were also added to the pond last year to help control weeds and scum. Neighbors recommended more be done and that an expert pond management consultant be utilized.

No Political Signs: A resolution to allow political yard signs 30 days prior to an election was narrowly defeated in a close vote. Proponents contended yard signs insured free speech; opponents saw the signs as eye sores and not conducive to a beautiful neighborhood.

Personal Pooper Scoopers Needed: The single biggest complaint received by Atlantic Coast concerns people who don’t clean up after their dogs on the walking trail or allow them to relieve themselves in neighbor’s yards. Residents are again requested to be responsible for cleaning up after their dogs.

Zooming the Walking Trails: ATV’s have been roaring along the walking trails, driven mostly by people who don’t live in Summer Lakes. The walking trail is private property and motorized vehicles are prohibited. Residents are encouraged to ask violators to leave or call the Sheriff’s office and report their trespassing.

Better Mowing Schedule: Mowing of the public area of Summer Lakes has been irregular in the past month. Various reasons were offered for the sketchy schedule, but officials pledged to get mowing back on schedule; that includes bush-hogging the vacant lots and power line right-of-way.

Trash Collection: The expense for trash collection rose in the past year when Tyler Sanitation added a fuel surcharge when gas prices were high. Residents requested that Atlantic Coast/True South negotiate a roll-back on the increase or seek competitive bids in an attempt to reduce trash hauling expenses.

Battling Ants: One resident inquired about getting help battling ants that are over-running their yard. Jimmy said the developer would be willing to apply commercial ant control spray, but would not take responsibility for harm the spray might cause to dogs or cats.

Home Owners Association Finances Strong: The reserve fund for the Home Owner’s Association has increased more than $3,500 since last year with a surplus of $34,573. That could be labeled a ‘rainy day fund’ – money that will likely be needed when Atlantic Coast/True South turns over responsibility of the neighborhood to the Home Owner’s Association. If you wish to obtain a copy of the current Profit & Loss statement, please contact Jimmy Luquire.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Lights are On!

The Summer Lakes storage area is now illuminated at night. Aiken Electric Coop crews recently installed a light worthy of a football stadium; it shines brightly over much of the storage area. This improvement, along with gate enhancements, should serve as a deterrents to sneaky thieves. Thanks go to Atlantic Coast's Jimmy Luquire for shepherding the improvements.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The View From Your Window….
by Pat Dickerson

I have been thinking lately about the view from my windows as well as the beautiful view that we all have as we walk the streets and paths of our community. I think we are blessed to have a rolling landscape, wonderful trees, and marvelous flower beds and grass in the yards and in the islands of Summer Lakes and I want to personally thank everyone for the “eye candy” that I enjoy.

Having said that, I would like to ask that everyone be alert to any heretofore unnoticed items that could detract from our otherwise beautiful “view from our windows.” The covenants that we all agreed to follow when we bought our lots in Summer Lakes have only one purpose; to keep the sub-division neat and clean and orderly for all to enjoy. And, of course, to keep the value of our investments going up continually. I suggest that we all steel ourselves against the boredom sure to follow and dig out our copy of this infamous document and at least scan it to remind ourselves of our agreement for the betterment of all around us.

I know that I have some things that I need to spiffy up and I am guessing that some of you do also. Stuff like yard equipment left out within sight of neighbors and visitors; that left over material from a recent project or items that we will fix as soon as we have time; or even the travel/utility trailer, camper, or boat that stays away from the storage lot longer than need be.

Rosie and I are so very proud of where we live and thankful for the good neighbors that we have and we want to thank all of you for being here and being our neighbors.

Reminder of Covenants & Restrictions

With spring/summer in full swing, home owner's find it's a great time for fixing up and adding on. Atlantic Coasts' Jimmy Luquire, the General Manager of Summer Lakes, kindly reminds residents that all exterior structural improvements need to be approved by the Architectural Review Board (ARB).

Specifically, the Summer Lakes covenants state (in part)...

"No building or other structure shall be erected, constructed, placed, maintained or altered on any Lot in the Property until the building plans (including floor plans, external design, location with respect to lot lines, topography and finished grade elevations), specifications and site plan showing the location of such building, have been approved in writing by the Architectural Review Board. (Full description in covenants 4.B).

Going Green!


The yellow trash cans along the walkway have been transformed into a more pleasing-to-the eye color (Hunter Green) blending in with the walking trail. Now we're a little more 'eco-friendly' in our look. :>)

Security Gate Enhancements

As promised, Atlantic Coast has installed a custom made extension to the gate entrance at the residents' storage area. This blocks the gap caused by the slope of the ground in an effort to keep the less-than-honest folks from easily sliding under the gate.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sprucing Up Summer Lakes

Spring has sprung and the sound of progress can be heard and seen around and near our neighborhood.

For many weeks the sounds of heavy equipment have been emanating from across the lake in the Abella Gate subdivision. Jimmy Luquire, of Atlantic Coast Properties, reports they are engaged in ‘prep work’ – constructing a large pond and clearing the roads for the subdivision. Jimmy says it’s a way to keep their employees busy during these slow times; they anticipate opening the subdivision when the economy bounces back and there is a greater demand for new homes.

There is a great deal of sprucing up in the Summer Lakes neighborhood. Here are the highlights according to Jimmy Luquire…

Cold Creek Nursery has planted flowers around the front entrance on Highway 1 and the large entrance island on Summer Rain. It was the promised beautification initiative promised by Atlantic Coast. It looks great! Thank you, Jimmy.

Atlantic Coast crews have distributed fresh pine straw in the main entrance and entrance island. They will continue to add new pine straw to all the islands in the neighborhood.

The sign lighting at the main entrance has been repaired. It was discovered that squirrels had chewed through the wiring putting out the lights.

Last week, Atlantic Coast construction crews were busy burying irrigation pipes to the front entrance area and the center islands on Summer Rain. This connects those areas to the new water well which was drilled this winter and eliminates the use of expensive city water for irrigation of the largest common areas. This will significantly reduce water costs to the homeowners association. Aiken Electric is scheduled to run underground electricity to the island on Summer Rain and Summer Lakes Blvd so electrical timers for the sprinklers can be installed.

Jimmy also reports that he has contracted with Aiken Electric to install two security lights in the storage area following the recent break-in of two RV’s. He says Atlantic Coast crews will also be constructing an extension on the gates to close the gap that now allows someone to shimmy under the gate.

Finally, Jimmy reminds all residents of the covenant that prohibits the parking of boats, trailers and RV’s around homes. The Summer Lakes storage area is available free of charge. A key can be obtained from the office.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lot Rezoning Approved

The Aiken County Planning Commission has recommended a vacant lot near Summer Lakes be rezoned from residential to ‘Urban Development’ to allow for commercial development. The lot is located on the NE corner of US 1 and Bradley Mill Road. The vote was 3 to 2 in favor of the rezoning. Two Summer Lakes’ residents spoke in opposition of the rezoning, while another resident raised no opposition as long as the rezoning was consistent with the Northside Area Comprehensive Development Plan developed as a citizen’s project in 2007. The corner lot was originally designated ‘commercial’ when homes were developed in the area in the mid 70s. The owner of the land was unaware the parcel had been reclassified ‘residential’ when countywide zoning was created in 1992 and petitioned to have the commercial zoning designation reestablished. The Zoning Commission’s recommendation goes to the full Aiken County Council for a vote on Tuesday, April 21 at 7:00 p.m. Citizens will again be allowed to speak to the issue at that meeting.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Summer Lakes ‘News’ Update

New Irrigation Well: Atlantic Coast has completed digging a water well to provide a cost effective alternative to the high water rates charged by the City of Aiken to keep our public areas green and lush. It has been costing about $10,000 a year from the Home Owners Association funds for irrigation of the major center islands and frontage landscaping. The new water well will soon be connected so the water can flow for the spring growing season. Atlantic Coast paid for the new well.

New Plantings for Summer Lakes Entrance: We will soon have a more glamorous look along Highway 1. Atlantic Coast’s Jimmy Luquire reports that when the weather improves on a consistent basis, workers are poised launch a beautification project with the planting a large number of annual flowers at the subdivision entrance and on the first large island. Jimmy says, “This will upgrade the look of the entrance.”

Beautifying & Maintaining Landscaping Islands: The offer still stands for residents to ‘adopt’ landscaping islands in their area. Atlantic Coast will pay for plantings if residents agree to maintain the islands.

Eliminating Pond Scum & Weeds: Atlantic Coast has taken action to eliminate the weeds in the large community pond. Concern about the weeds was expressed by residents at last summer’s annual meeting. Since then, Atlantic Coast worked with South Carolina’s DHEC advisors in applying chemicals to the pond; they don’t expect the grass to return this summer.

Securing the Storage Area: Atlantic Coast is taking steps to secure the resident’s storage area following recent burglaries. Summer Lakes General Manager Jimmy Luquire reports that two security lights are scheduled to be installed shining light on the storage area and the gap under the entrance gate is being closed. The Aiken County Sheriff's department has stepped up its presence by increased patrols around the storage area.

Architectural Review Board Meets: Summer Lake’s Architectural Review Board (ARB) meets regularly to review potential house projects and covenant issues. The mission of the ARB is to insure the quality of Summer Lakes’ construction and the adherence to the covenants so residents will maximize their property values. Two residents, Pat Dickerson and Bill Taylor, represent their fellow neighbors by serving as advisors to Atlantic Coast on the ARB. Questions and concerns about covenant issues should be sent to:

Jimmy Luquire:
Pat Dickerson:
Bill Taylor: