Friday, May 9, 2008

News from Atlantic Coast

Hooray! The Summer Lakes web site now has a "Residents Only" section. Communications is important and we applaud Atlantic Coast for following through with the promise they made during last summer's neighborhood meeting to devise a better communications link to residents.

As currently described, the "Resident Only" section seems to be little more than a community bulletin board. That's fine, but it's troubling that any comments have to be emailed to Atlantic Coast for review before being posted. Does this mean that comments will be edited or not posted depending on the subject matter or what's being said? Today's web world doesn't tolerate that type of overview. Even the biggest and best companies know that freedom of expression is paramount.

The residents of Summer Lakes would be best served if Atlantic Coast used the new link to communicate regularly with the neighborhood letting residents know the progress being made in Summer Lakes as well as updating us on their projects, both big and small, (i.e., sprinklers, road repairs, covenant compliance, etc.). A good place for Atlantic Coast officials to start is to review the New Year's WISH LIST (posted below in this blog) and start responding to issues residents deem important. Responsiveness and candor are critically important in maintaining the trust and goodwill of residents.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Welcoming New Neighbors

The residents on Summer Wind Court gathered to celebrate Spring and extend a welcome to new neighbors. The "pot luck," carry-in supper introduced the new arrivals to Summer Lakes hospitality. The new residents are Pearl & Walt King, Susanne and Terry Kneese and Trudy & Jim Gaughran. A good time was had by all!