Friday, January 29, 2010

Carpet Cleaning Trespassers Return!

From Neighbor Kurt Rudolph

Jan. 29, 2010: Robert's and Associates paid us another visit last evening peddling their carpet cleaning. At 9:00 pm they walked past our "no trespassing" sign, entered our garage, ignored the "no soliciting" sign we have posted at eye level next to the door and knocked loudly. When I answered and realized who it was, I ordered him out of my garage and pursued him back to his vehicle. I tried to make contact with the person in the passenger seat, but she refused to open the window. I got behind the vehicle to keep them from leaving before I took down the license plate number.

I called 911 and a deputy arrived within five minutes. Needless to say, the trespassers were long gone. I would like to think that I scared them off, but I really doubt it. I spoke to the deputy at length, and he assures me that they can and will arrest them for trespassing since we have a sign posted.

I would like everyone to be aware of this company - Robert's and Associates, of Columbia. I simply do not believe a legitimate business would IGNORE clearly posted signs and attempt to do busines in my garage at 9 o'clock. I believe they are interested in something other than carpet. I consider them dangerous and I am becoming frustrated that it seems we have no way of stopping them.

Editor's Note: The neigborhood should remain on alert and call 9-1-1 when they return. The 'No Soliciting' & 'No Trespassing' signs are your legal recourse.


Mama to Blu said...

We appreciate this heads up.
I would think that persons "up to no good" would quickly see that this is not a passive neighborhood and move on.

Your actions in getting the license # and pursuing it with a 911 call may have been a significant deterrent. THANKS, Bill, we appreciate what you do for Summer Lakes!

-Wanda & Mike

Mama to Blu said...

Kurt - I just saw that it was YOU who dealt with the trespassers. THANKS so much!